Dear visitor,

Welcome to the website on the Hungarian Orthoptera fauna.

I have admired the beauty of nature since I was a kid. No wonder I became a teacher of biology and in my spare time I search for insects and take photo's of them.

Grasshoppers and allied insects form a unique and interesting group that much less known for the public than other popular insects, like butterflies.

When I was searching for information on them, I found that there was no comprehensive source about the Hungarian fauna.
This lack of information gave me the idea to begin with the building of this site.
My aim was to make this group of insects easier to identify for the broader public. It means that on the website I don't use much scientific terms and I concentrate on traits that are easy to see in the field. I included all the species known from Hungary and give a full description included similar species, song and a key.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact me:

I wish you much fun in the outdoors with our six-legged friends.

Zsolt Dobos