Meconema thalassinum - Oak Bush-cricket
(De Geer, 1773)

Description: Small and slender species (12-15 mm), ground colour is green, the wings are well developed with lightgreen veins. Ovipositor (10 mm) is almost straight.
Similar species: Meconema meridionale
Adults: from July to November
No calling song. Males drum on the leaves with their hind legs. It can be heard from a meter away.

Source: Orthoptera Species File (lab recording, 26 °C)
Habitat: On the leaves of shrubs and trees. Active during the night.
Widespread and common in Hungary.

Meconema thalassinum, male
(Author: Sámoly Attila, source: ízeltlábú, CC BY 4.0)

Meconema thalassinum, female
(Author: Dobos Zsolt)