Myrmeleotettix antennatus - Long-horned Club Grasshopper
(Fieber, 1853)

Description: Small and slender species (♂ 10-13 mm, ♀ 14-16 mm). Ground colour is brown to grey. Male's antennae with a dark and clubbed tip, they are almost as long as the body! The female's antennae are shorter and the tip is less broad. The labial palpus is white. The wings reach the end of the abdomen.
Similar species: Myrmeleotettix maculatus
Adults: from June to October.
The faint song consists of short (1.5-3 sec) chirps, produced irregularly and often with long pauses.

Source: Orthoptera Species File (lab recording, 32 °C, 500Hz high pass filter)
Habitat:  Sandy grasslands. Poor flying ability.
Known from different regions with sandy soil (e.g.. Kiskunság, Nyírség, Somogy, Gönyű, southern part of Mezőföld). Quite scarce.

Myrmeleotettix antennatus, male
(Author: Kiss Tamás, source: ízeltlábú, CC BY 4.0)

Myrmeleotettix antennatus, female
(Author: Kiss Tamás, source: ízeltlábú, CC BY 4.0)