Stenobothrus crassipes - Pygmy Toothed Grasshopper
(Charpentier, 1825)

Description: Very small, brown grasshopper (♂ 11-13 mm, ♀ 14-18 mm). Wings are very short, reaching only to the middle of the abdomen in males, in females only as long as the pronotum, but the medial field is distinctly wide. The side keels of the pronotum are slightly curved.
Similar species: Other Stenobothrus species, but small size and short wings are characteristic.
Adults: from July to October
The faint song is 1,5 to 3 sec. long, gradually increasing in volume until almost the end. There are long pauses between two chirps.
Habitat:  Dry and semi-dry grasslands, hillsides, forest edges.
Widespread but not common.
Note: Adults resemble larvae of other species because of the short wings. But larvae always have parallel wing venation.

Stenobothrus crassipes, male
(Author: Pribéli Levente, source: ízeltlábú, CC BY 4.0)

Stenobothrus crassipes, female
(Author: Kiss Tamás, source: ízeltlábú, CC BY 4.0)

Stenobothrus crassipes, female
(Author: Wim Bakker, source:, CC BY NC SA)