Stenobothrus lineatus - Stripe-winged Toothed Grasshopper
(Panzer, 1796)

Description: Medium-sized grasshopper (♂ 15-19 mm, ♀ 21-27 mm), mostly green (sometimes grey or brown or even pink). Wings are well developed, extending beyond the hind knee in males and a bit shorter in females. On the fore wing, the medial field is broad and regularly veined (ladder-like pattern), with a conspicuous white spot (stigma) at the end of the medial field. A white stripe often runs along the female's wing. The hind knees are dark, the tibiae yellow to red. The side keels of the pronotum are slightly curved. The male's abdomen often has an orange tip.
Similar species: The other Stenobothrus species.
Adults: from June to October.
Sings only in sunny weather. The characteristic song is a rhythmical buzz lasting about 10 to 25 sec.

Source: Orthoptera Species File (field recording, 21 °C)
Habitat:  Hayfields, meadows, forest clearings.
Widespread and common, especially in hills and mountains.

Stenobothrus lineatus
(Author: Dobos Zsolt)

Stenobothrus lineatus, male
(Author: Bauer Bea, source: ízeltlábú, CC BY 4.0)

Stenobothrus lineatus, female
(Author: Morvai Szilárd, source: ízeltlábú, CC BY 4.0)

Stenobothrus lineatus, wing venation
(Author: Gilles San Martin, source:, CC BY-SA 2.0)

Stenobothrus lineatus, subgenital plate, male potrohvége
(Author: Gilles San Martin, source:, CC BY-SA 2.0)