Tetrix undulata - Common Groundhopper (Sowerby, 1806)
Description: Slender species than T. tenuicornis (♂ 8-10 mm, ♀ 9-12 mm). Colour can be variable. The pronotum is roofshaped and long, reaching more or less the tip of the abdomen. The front edge of the pronotum is only slightly protruding towards the head. The hind wing is shorter than the pronotum, but long-winged specimens may occur. The hind femur is 3 times longer than wide. Similar species:Tetrix tenuicornis and T. bipunctata Adults: Imagoes can be found all year round, but most abundant in summer. Song: Males have no calling song. Habitat: Sandy grasslands and other dry habitats. Distribution: Scarce. Known from a few regions, e.g. Great Hungarian Plain, Bakonyalja, Kőszegi-hg.
Tetrix undulata (Author: Kiss Tamás, source: ízeltlábúak.hu, CC BY 4.0)
Tetrix undulata (Author: Kiss Tamás, source: ízeltlábúak.hu, CC BY 4.0)