Arcyptera microptera - Eastern Banded Grasshopper
(Fischer de W., 1833)
Description: Robust, medium-sized (♂ 17-25 mm, ♀ 22-29 mm), colourful species. Base colour ochre brown to greenish brown, underside of abdomen light ochre, hind leg orange-red, with a light 'ring' around the black knee. The wings of both sexes extend to about the hind knee (15-20 mm long), the hind(!) wing has no dark colouration, only the tip is slightly brownish (visible only when wings are open).
Similar species: Arcyptera fusca
Adults: from June to July
Song: Relatively loud but not conspicuous song. It consists of two parts : first a few (10-15) short and increasingly louder clicks, followed by a buzzing sound about 0.4 sec. long.