Phaneroptera falcata - Common Sickle Bush-cricket
(Poda, 1761)
Description: Green and slender species (♂ 12-17 mm, ♀ 15-18 mm), with small black dots. Tympanon is oval. The wingsare long, the hind wings are longer than the fore ones. The pronotum is slightly longer than it's high. The ♀ ovipositor is short (5 mm), sickle-like, asymmetrical in side view.
Similar species: Phaneroptera nana and Tettigonia viridissima
Adults: from July to October
Song: Soft chirping, like someone quickly running a finger over the teeth of a comb. The chirps follow each other every second or so, but they can be irregular, too. Its frequencyis around 20 kHz, so it is best observed with a bat detector. Sings mainly in the evening and at night.
Habitat: Forest edges and clearings, bushes, gardens. It lives in the higher vegetation.
Distribution: Widespread and common.