Tetrix subulata - Slender Groundhopper
(L., 1758)

Description: Brown body is rather stout (♂ 9-12 mm, ♀ 11-15 mm). There are short-winged (pronotum is slightly longer than hind knee) and long-winged (pronotum os much longer than hind knee) specimens. The surface of the pronotum is smooth, the median ridge is just slightly elevated. The hind femur is more than 3 times as long as wide, the upper margin runs straight. The distance between the eyes is greater than in similar species (about 1.5 times the diameter of the eye) and the forehead protrudes.
Similar species: Tetrix bolivari and T. ceperoi
Adults: Imagoes can be found all year round, but most abundant in summer.
Males have no calling song.
abitat:  In humid and wet habitats, like humid grasslands and riverbanks, where it prefers the bare ground. It's a good flyer and swimmer.
Widespread species.

Tetrix subulata
(Author: Gilles San Martin, source: flickr.com, CC BY-SA 2.0)

Tetrix subulata
(Author: Gilles San Martin, source: flickr.com, CC BY-SA 2.0)